Certifications can be assigned to employees and contractors. Each certification record includes the dates that the certification is valid for, along with the person's name, email, and if there are any documents attached to the record. Use the API to see which employees and contractors hold each certification, or create, update or delete a certification holder record.
Learn more about certification holders in the OnLocation Help Center.
Returns a list of the employees or contractors that hold the specified certification.
A comma separated list of tag:value search parameters, a colon separator performs an exact match, a percent separator performs a starts-with search and greater/less than search number/date ranges.
List of employees or contractors that hold the certification
Access denied to resource
Resource not found
Internal server error
curl -i -X GET \ https://api.whosonlocation.com/v1/certification/:id/holder
[- {
- "id": 218,
- "created": "2021-11-26T14:37:12+13:00",
- "modified": "2021-11-30T14:37:12+13:00",
- "certification_id": 1205,
- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900",
- "holder_name": "Robert Jordan",
- "holder_email": "example-email@whosonlocation.com",
- "certification_name": "Window Fitting Licence",
- "type": "Licence",
- "documents": 1
Adds a new certification holder association.
Resource created
Access denied to this resource
Internal server error
{- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900"
{- "id": 218,
- "created": "2021-11-26T14:37:12+13:00",
- "modified": "2021-11-30T14:37:12+13:00",
- "certification_id": 1205,
- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900",
- "holder_name": "Robert Jordan",
- "holder_email": "example-email@whosonlocation.com",
- "certification_name": "Window Fitting Licence",
- "type": "Licence",
- "documents": 1
Retrieves the details of a specific certification holder
Details of the certification holder
Access denied to resource
Resource not found
Internal server error
curl -i -X GET \ https://api.whosonlocation.com/v1/certification/:id/holder/:hid
{- "id": 218,
- "created": "2021-11-26T14:37:12+13:00",
- "modified": "2021-11-30T14:37:12+13:00",
- "certification_id": 1205,
- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900",
- "holder_name": "Robert Jordan",
- "holder_email": "example-email@whosonlocation.com",
- "certification_name": "Window Fitting Licence",
- "type": "Licence",
- "documents": 1
Updates a certification holder's details.
Information used to create the certification holder association
Updated resource
Access denied to this resource
Internal server error
{- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900"
{- "id": 218,
- "created": "2021-11-26T14:37:12+13:00",
- "modified": "2021-11-30T14:37:12+13:00",
- "certification_id": 1205,
- "record_id": 823431,
- "record_type": "staff",
- "validfrom": "2021-11-27",
- "validto": "2022-11-27",
- "certification_number": "WFL900",
- "holder_name": "Robert Jordan",
- "holder_email": "example-email@whosonlocation.com",
- "certification_name": "Window Fitting Licence",
- "type": "Licence",
- "documents": 1
Deletes the specified certification holder association record.
Certification holder deleted
Access denied to resource
Resource not found
Internal server error
curl -i -X DELETE \ https://api.whosonlocation.com/v1/certification/:id/holder/:hid