Update a custom field for an employee

Step 1: Retrieve the list of custom fields

Load the available custom fields in OnLocation (GET /customfield/element/staff).

The details of your employee custom fields will be returned. In this example, there's a checkbox custom field with the id 741.

    "id": 741,
    "created": "2021-11-25T12:17:27+13:00",
    "modified": "2021-11-27T12:17:27+13:00",
    "cf_tab_id": 89,
    "is_visible": true,
    "is_mandatory": true,
    "is_unique": true,
    "title": "Has a Driver License",
     "created_by": 823431,
     "modified_by": 823431,
     "element_type": "checkbox"

Step 2: Retrieve the employee list

Retrieve your employee list (GET /staff).

Your employee list will be returned. In this example, you'll see an employee has a custom field in their profile with the id 741. The value is 0 which means the checkbox field is not selected in their profile.

    "id": 823562,
    "created": "2021-10-06T15:35:50+13:00",
    "modified": "2021-10-06T16:35:50+13:00",
    "account_status": "new",
    "last_login": "2021-11-15T16:35:50+13:00",
    "onsite_status": "offsite",
    "name": "Staff Name",
    "title": "Mr",
    "altname": "Daffy",
    "email": "example.staff@whosonlocation.com",
    "phone": "0214445060",
    "mobile": "0214445060",
    "ice": "0214445060",
    "setup_method": "manual",
    "employee_id": 301,
    "location": "Head Office",
    "cur_location": "Head Office",
    "department": "Administration",
    "customfields": {
         "741": 0,

Step 3: Update the employee profile

To update the custom field for the employee, fire a request to (PUT /staff/823562).

In this example, the employee's id is 823562 and custom field's id is 741. The value 1 means the driver license check box is selected.

    "id": 823562,
    "customfields": {
         "741": 1